Kedves Kollégák!
Az alábbi levélben Eckstein professzor ismét felhívja a magyar kollégák figyelmét müncheni kongresszusára. Ahogy a levélből kiderül, 25 MAÉT tagnak ingyenes részvételt ajánlott fel. Absztrakt küldésre is van lehetőség.
Dr. Szeberin Zoltán
a MAÉT főtitkára
Dear Dr. Szeberin,
On behalf of the organizing committee it is my pleasure to invite the Hungarian Society for Angiology and Vascular Surgery to the 7th MUNICH VASCULAR CONFERENCE (MAC) at the first weekend in advent 2017. In order to support your participation, 25 members of your society will get free access to the 7th MAC. We would be absolutely delighted, if you could inform the members of your society about the possibility to attend one of the best European vascular scientific meetings.
Vascular diseases are diagnosed and treated by different medical specialties ranging from vascular surgery to radiology, angiology/cardiology, neurology, and many others respectively. The 7th MAC will continue to be a platform for mutual exchange between vascular clinicians from all medical specialties and colleagues from translational and basic research. Both sides will benefit from each other: clinicians have the chance to learn more about translational research and the evolution of cutting-edge technologies (including their pros and cons) and translational researchers may get a better understanding for the needs of vascular clinicians and their patients.
In 2016 the number of participants increased significantly to more than 600 people from 38 countries! The overall feedback of the 6th MAC 2016 was again very good with the respect to topics, presentations and discussions. In addition parallel educational and technical workshops were very well-attended!
Major components of the 7th MAC:
1. Parallel scientific main sessions will be kept to a minimum.
2. Ample time for discussions and scientific interaction
3. A Venous Symposium will be included (Saturday, December 9)
4. A series of technical and educational workshops will be offered
5. Prices will be given for the best oral and the best poster presentation respectively (only for abstract submitters)
6. Poster sessions will again be an essential part of the meeting
7. A training course on open vascular surgical techniques, suitable as a preparation course for the European Vascular Surgical Examination (FEBVS), Wednesday, December 6 (organized by VASCULAR INTERNATIONAL)
VERY IMPORTANT: As last year we will invite in 2017 young researchers for oral presentations and poster sessions. So please encourage your colleagues to submit an abstract. Last year, eleven abstracts out of 50 submissions were selected for oral presentation and included into the scientific program. Further 32 submitters were chosen to present their abstracts as posters. The best two oral and two poster presentations were awarded with EUR 300.00 each!
Abstract deadline is June 30th, 2017, for further information please visit our website: >>
Do not miss the latest insights into the world of academic vascular research, represented by our world-class faculty. We look forward to welcoming you in Munich!
Best wishes
Henning Eckstein,
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