The Erasmus MC, in conjunction with VitalMed, Bodrum are proud to announce the First Integrative Course on Spasticity Management - following nine successful annual courses attended by your members - accreditation given for all of these courses
Course Aims: The aims of the course are to improve the level of knowledge and skills of the attending health care professionals, with the ultimate goal of improving the treatment of those patients that suffer from spasticity problems. A secondary aim is to promote international cooperation and allow participants to develop valuable networks across cultural and country boundaries.
Format: The course, in English, comprises presentations from leading experts in the field, seminars, workshops, physical examinations and assessments for a variety of causes including Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, MS, SCI and Brain Injury. Colleagues who register for the course will be invited to submit abstracts of their research and present Posters (for display) and/or give Oral Presentations (of about 15 minutes) The social program is designed to introduce an element of leisure to the event in the beautiful climate and surroundings of Bodrum.
Speakers include:Prof. Henk J. Stam, MD, PhD FRCP, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam,The Netherlands; Prof. Anthony B. Ward, MD, FRCP, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom; Prof. Klemens Fheodoroff, MD, Hermagor, Austria; Govert Snoek, MD, PhD, Enschede, The Netherlands; Jorge Jacintho, MD, Alcoitao, Portugal; Johan Gerritsen, MD, The Netherlands
Registration forms, program details and further general information can be found at: |