Lejárt a biztonsági időkorlát.
Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
Felhasználó név:
Továbbképzések, rendezvények részletes információi
doki.NET háttér-rendszert használó más társaságok legfrissebb hírei
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Linkek, dokumentumok oldalon belüli megjelenítése
Külön ablakban történő megjelenítés (gyorsabb!)
Kongresszusok, rendezvények
Ezen az oldalon hazai és nemzetközi rendezvényekről szóló információkat helyezünk el, időrendi sorrendben.

Tipp: A kongresszusokhoz különböző linkek, dokumentumok tartoz(hat)nak, melyeket a "kapcsolódó dokumentumok/linkek" feliratra kattintva érhet el. A felirat mögött zárójelben megjelenő szám a kapcsolódó anyagok számát jelöli.

Hazai kongresszusok rendezvények
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[ 1541 ][ 1542 ][ 1543 ][ 1544 ][ 1545 ][ 1546 ][ 1547 ][ 1548 ][ 1549 ][ 1550 ]
[ 1551 ][ 1552 ][ 1553 ][ 1554 ][ 1555 ][ 1556 ][ 1557 ][ 1558 ][ 1559 ][ 1560 ]
[ 1561 ][ 1562 ][ 1563 ][ 1564 ][ 1565 ][ 1566 ][ 1567 ][ 1568 ][ 1569 ][ 1570 ]
[ 1571 ][ 1572 ][ 1573 ][ 1574 ][ 1575 ][ 1576 ][ 1577 ][ 1578 ][ 1579 ][ 1580 ]
[ 1581 ][ 1582 ][ 1583 ][ 1584 ][ 1585 ][ 1586 ][ 1587 ][ 1588 ][ 1589 ][ 1590 ]
[ 1591 ][ 1592 ][ 1593 ][ 1594 ][ 1595 ][ 1596 ][ 1597 ][ 1598 ][ 1599 ][ 1600 ]
[ 1601 ][ 1602 ][ 1603 ][ 1604 ][ 1605 ] 
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság
MANET Vezetőségi ülés
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.05.27.Rendezvény vége: 2021.05.27.
Magyar Ortopéd Társaság
CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty – Online Event: Find Your Perspective
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.05.25.Rendezvény vége: 2021.05.25.
Helyszín: Online,
The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is a scientific event organized periodically by Johnson & Johnson in the field of orthopedics.

The online event will enable specialists to update their existing knowledge and skills in order for them to remain at the forefront of the profession, both in terms of competitiveness and clinical knowledge.

The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is bringing surgical aspects, best practices and experiences from recognized faculties to one place. At this event surgeons will gain a lot of knowledge on how to develop, elevate or increase their surgical skills even further to ensure best patient outcome.

We will focus on procedures and patient conditions where our technology brings additional value in addressing main complications or controversies in knee surgery.

We wish you an enjoyable and fruitful event!

CEE DePuySynthes Professional Education Team Johnson & Johnson Institute

CLICK HERE to register


Magyar Ortopéd Társaság
CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty – Online Event: Find Your Perspective
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.05.25.Rendezvény vége: 2021.05.25.
Helyszín: Online,
The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is a scientific event organized periodically by Johnson & Johnson in the field of orthopedics.

The online event will enable specialists to update their existing knowledge and skills in order for them to remain at the forefront of the profession, both in terms of competitiveness and clinical knowledge.

The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is bringing surgical aspects, best practices and experiences from recognized faculties to one place. At this event surgeons will gain a lot of knowledge on how to develop, elevate or increase their surgical skills even further to ensure best patient outcome.

We will focus on procedures and patient conditions where our technology brings additional value in addressing main complications or controversies in knee surgery.

We wish you an enjoyable and fruitful event!

CEE DePuySynthes Professional Education Team Johnson & Johnson Institute

CLICK HERE to register


Magyar Ortopéd Társaság
CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty – Online Event: Find Your Perspective
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.05.25.Rendezvény vége: 2021.05.25.
Helyszín: Online,
The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is a scientific event organized periodically by Johnson & Johnson in the field of orthopedics.

The online event will enable specialists to update their existing knowledge and skills in order for them to remain at the forefront of the profession, both in terms of competitiveness and clinical knowledge.

The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is bringing surgical aspects, best practices and experiences from recognized faculties to one place. At this event surgeons will gain a lot of knowledge on how to develop, elevate or increase their surgical skills even further to ensure best patient outcome.

We will focus on procedures and patient conditions where our technology brings additional value in addressing main complications or controversies in knee surgery.

We wish you an enjoyable and fruitful event!

CEE DePuySynthes Professional Education Team Johnson & Johnson Institute

CLICK HERE to register


Magyar Ortopéd Társaság
CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty – Online Event: Find Your Perspective
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2021.05.25.Rendezvény vége: 2021.05.25.
Helyszín: Online,
The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is a scientific event organized periodically by Johnson & Johnson in the field of orthopedics.

The online event will enable specialists to update their existing knowledge and skills in order for them to remain at the forefront of the profession, both in terms of competitiveness and clinical knowledge.

The CEE 360° Around Knee Specialty online event is bringing surgical aspects, best practices and experiences from recognized faculties to one place. At this event surgeons will gain a lot of knowledge on how to develop, elevate or increase their surgical skills even further to ensure best patient outcome.

We will focus on procedures and patient conditions where our technology brings additional value in addressing main complications or controversies in knee surgery.

We wish you an enjoyable and fruitful event!

CEE DePuySynthes Professional Education Team Johnson & Johnson Institute

CLICK HERE to register


Külföldi kongresszusok rendezvények
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Magyar Immunológiai Társaság
International Complement Workshop
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2012.10.15.
Tudományos információ: John D. Lambris, Ph.D.
Címe: Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine University of Pennsylvania 401 Stellar Chance 422 Curie Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-746-5765
Fax: 215-573-8738
E-mail: lambris@upenn.edu
Helyszín: Görögország, Chania, Crete, Minoa Palace Hotel 5*
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.complement2012.org/index.html
XXIV. International Complement Workshop

-Trainee Travel Awards
-The Lambris Complement Training Award (LCTA)
-Young Investigator Awards for Research in Complement

Keynote Lectures

Hans J. Müller-Eberhard Memorial Lecture
The humoral arm of innate immunity: recurrent themes and regulatory pathways
Alberto Mantovani, M.D.
Professor, University of Milan
Scientific Director, Istituto Clinico Humanitas
Systems Biology and Innate Immunity
Shankar Subramaniam, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair Department of Bioengineering,
University of California, San Diego
Tipping complex systems from disease to health: genetic and dietary influences on metabolic disease, cancer and inflammation
Joe Nadeau, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Academic Affairs
Systems Biology Institute, Seattle
Magyar Rehabilitációs Társaság
REHACARE INTERNATIONAL 2012 International Trade Fair and Congress "Self-determined Living"
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2012.10.13.
Szakterület(ek): Rehabilitáció
Helyszín: Germany, Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre North and South Entrance Halls 3 - 7
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.rehacare.com/
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság
DC2012 - 12th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.10.07.Rendezvény vége: 2012.10.11.
Munkahely neve: DC 2012 Secretariat
Címe: 1F Haeoreum B/D 748-5 Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-925 Korea
Tel: +82-2-577-8422,8423
Fax: +82-2-566-6087
E-mail: dc@people-x.com
Helyszín: Korea, Daegu, EXCO Convention Center
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.dc2012.kr/
The 12th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells

The DC2012 is hosted by the Korean Association of Immunologists and organized by the
Organizing Committee of the DC 2012.
The DC 2012 is anticipating more than 1,600 participants and industry representatives from 40
different countries. I truly believe that DC2012 would be the milestone for all of us to understand the
cutting-edge of research trends, to share valuable information and to build a network between
specialists in the field of dendritic cells.

Deadline of Abstract Submission is extended to June 30, 2012
re-registration: Extended to Sep. 14th, 2012!

Clinical Trial Satellite Meeting(Sponsored by JW CreaGene, BD)

*Date & Time: October 8~9, 2012 / 12:20~13:20
*Venue: 4F Auditorium, EXCO
*Confirmed Speakers:
1)TriMix Dentritic cell therapy in Melanoma - the Brussels`s experience
-Prof. Thielemans Kris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
2)Applying Lessons learned from Provenge to the development of new immunotherapies for cancer
-Dr. James B. Trager (Dendreon Corporation, USA)

-The lunch will be served during the Clinical Trial Satellite Meeting.
-Maximum 300 persons can attend the meeting on a first-come, first-served basis.
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság
DC2012 - 12th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.10.07.Rendezvény vége: 2012.10.11.
Munkahely neve: DC 2012 Secretariat
Címe: 1F Haeoreum B/D 748-5 Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-925 Korea
Tel: +82-2-577-8422,8423
Fax: +82-2-566-6087
E-mail: dc@people-x.com
Helyszín: Korea, Daegu, EXCO Convention Center
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.dc2012.kr/
The 12th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells

The DC2012 is hosted by the Korean Association of Immunologists and organized by the
Organizing Committee of the DC 2012.
The DC 2012 is anticipating more than 1,600 participants and industry representatives from 40
different countries. I truly believe that DC2012 would be the milestone for all of us to understand the
cutting-edge of research trends, to share valuable information and to build a network between
specialists in the field of dendritic cells.

Deadline of Abstract Submission is extended to June 30, 2012
re-registration: Extended to Sep. 14th, 2012!

Clinical Trial Satellite Meeting(Sponsored by JW CreaGene, BD)

*Date & Time: October 8~9, 2012 / 12:20~13:20
*Venue: 4F Auditorium, EXCO
*Confirmed Speakers:
1)TriMix Dentritic cell therapy in Melanoma - the Brussels`s experience
-Prof. Thielemans Kris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
2)Applying Lessons learned from Provenge to the development of new immunotherapies for cancer
-Dr. James B. Trager (Dendreon Corporation, USA)

-The lunch will be served during the Clinical Trial Satellite Meeting.
-Maximum 300 persons can attend the meeting on a first-come, first-served basis.
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság
DC2012 - 12th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2012.10.07.Rendezvény vége: 2012.10.11.
Munkahely neve: DC 2012 Secretariat
Címe: 1F Haeoreum B/D 748-5 Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-925 Korea
Tel: +82-2-577-8422,8423
Fax: +82-2-566-6087
E-mail: dc@people-x.com
Helyszín: Korea, Daegu, EXCO Convention Center
A rendezvény Web oldala: http://www.dc2012.kr/
The 12th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells

The DC2012 is hosted by the Korean Association of Immunologists and organized by the
Organizing Committee of the DC 2012.
The DC 2012 is anticipating more than 1,600 participants and industry representatives from 40
different countries. I truly believe that DC2012 would be the milestone for all of us to understand the
cutting-edge of research trends, to share valuable information and to build a network between
specialists in the field of dendritic cells.

Deadline of Abstract Submission is extended to June 30, 2012
re-registration: Extended to Sep. 14th, 2012!

Clinical Trial Satellite Meeting(Sponsored by JW CreaGene, BD)

*Date & Time: October 8~9, 2012 / 12:20~13:20
*Venue: 4F Auditorium, EXCO
*Confirmed Speakers:
1)TriMix Dentritic cell therapy in Melanoma - the Brussels`s experience
-Prof. Thielemans Kris (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
2)Applying Lessons learned from Provenge to the development of new immunotherapies for cancer
-Dr. James B. Trager (Dendreon Corporation, USA)

-The lunch will be served during the Clinical Trial Satellite Meeting.
-Maximum 300 persons can attend the meeting on a first-come, first-served basis.
Aktuális kongresszusok, rendezvények megjelenítése >>

2024. november 10.
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