Magyar Pszichiátriai Társaság Lehel(etnyi) tudomány - BIOETIKA II.
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.10.11. 13:30Rendezvény vége: 2017.10.11. 16:00 Helyszín: 1135 Budapest, Lehel u. 59., Nyírő-OPAI Előadó: Prof. Dr. Kovács József DSc
Addiktológia, belgyógyászat, gyermek- és ifjúságpszichiátria, háziorvostan, igazságügyi pszichiátria, klinikai addiktológiai szakpszichológia, klinikai farmakológia, klinikai szakpszichológus, neurológia, orvosi rehabilitáció területén, pszichiátria, pszichoterápia
Részvételi díj: 1000 Ft (csak azoknak, akik kredit pontot igényelnek)
Magyar Nephrologiai Társaság Nephrologia a mindennapi gyakorlatban (Budapest, 2017.10.07.)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.10.07.Rendezvény vége: 2017.10.07. Szakterület(ek): Nephrologia
Helyszín: 1145 Budapest, Uzsoki u. 29.) „C” (Róna utcai) épület Tanácsterem, Uzsoki utcai Kórház Igen tisztelt Kolléganő / Kolléga!
Szeretettel meghívom a „NEFROLÓGIA A MINDENNAPI GYAKORLATBAN” című továbbképző tanfolyamunkra, melyet az Uzsoki utcai Kórház (1145 Budapest, Uzsoki u. 29.) „C” (Róna utcai) épület Tanácstermében tartunk
2017. október 07-én 09 órai kezdettel.
A tanfolyamot a Semmelweis Egyetem akkreditálta SE-TK/2017.II/00231 kódszám alatt háziorvostan, belgyógyászat, diabetologia, nefrologia, kardiologia, oxyologia-sürgősségi orvostan szakmacsoportok részére.
A tanfolyam pontértéke: 12
Jelentkezés: OFTEX, valamint:
Regisztrálni a helyszínen lehetséges.
Az 5000 Ft-os részvételi díj a helyszínen adott számla ellenében átutalással fizethető.
Kérjük szépen a számlázási név, cím szíves megadását.
dr. Deák György
osztályvezető főorvos
A program letölthető ide kattintva >>
Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat 2. Dermatoszkópos kurzus és gyakorlati képzés (Pécs)
Rendezvény kezdete: 2017.10.06.Rendezvény vége: 2017.10.06. Szakterület(ek): Bőrgyógyászat
Helyszín: Pécs, PTE Bőr-, Nemikórtani és Onkodermatológiai Klinika Időpont: 2017.10.06.
Helyszín: Pécs, PTE Bőr-, Nemikórtani és Onkodermatológiai Klinika
Tudományos információ: Feuerstein Alíz, Dr. Lengyel Zsuzsanna
Munkahely neve: PTE ÁOK Bőr-, Nemikórtani és Onkodermatológiai Klinika
Telefon: (72) 536-882
E-Mail: ,
Kedves Kolléga/Kolléganő!
A 2015-ös első Dermatoscopos Kurzus nagy sikerére tekintettel idén megrendezzük a tanfolyam folytatását. Szeretettel meghívjuk 2017. október 6-án Pécsett megrendezésre kerülő 2. DERMATOSZKÓPOS Kurzusunkra.
Amennyiben a korábbi rendezvényen részt vett, akkor már tudja, hogy
- A téma legjobb hazai szakembereitől tanulhat
- A képzési anyag kivonatát rendelkezésére bocsátjuk
- A rendezvény nagy hangsúlyt fektet a gyakorlati képzésre sok-sok képanyaggal
- A kurzust képi kvízzel zárjuk, ahol azonnal tesztelheti is újonnan megszerzett tudását.
Játsszon velünk! Próbálja meg kitalálni, mi lehet a helyes diagnózis a lenti klinikai és dermatoszkópos képek alapján!
Online kvíz >>
A helyes választ a rendezvényen természetesen ismertetjük, és a jó választ beküldők között egy értékes szakkönyvet is kisorsolunk!
A rendezvényről bővebb információt és jelentkezési lapot az OFTEX portálon talál >>
Jelentkezési határidő: 2017.09.30.
Várjuk rendezvényünkön!
Dr. Lengyel Zsuzsanna
egyetemi adjunktus
Dr. Gyulai Rolland
egy. tanár, klinikaigazgató
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Opatija 2013 - 2nd Joint Meeting of M.E.S.I.A.
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2013.10.13. Helyszín: Croatia / Horvátország, Opatija, Hotel Ambasador A rendezvény Web oldala: 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology – Croatia 2013
In early 2012 the Croatian Immunological Society launched an initiative to organize a joint meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology as a follow-up on the very successful meeting organized by Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (OGAI) in Vienna in 2010 with participation of invited societies from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. The initiative was very well received by the invited societies which led to the first meeting of the societies’ representatives in Opatija, Croatia in July 2012. Soon after, the Scientific Board and the Organizing Committee were established and the official title of the meeting was adopted - 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology. The Meeting will be taking place from October 10th through 13th in Opatija, Croatia.
The underlying idea is to provide a communication platform for immunological and allergolocical societies in the region aimed at improving mobility and collaboration, particularly for the young members. The initiative is set to continue by adopting a regular schedule for this meeting to take place every third year, following the year of the ECI meeting, with societies taking turn in organizing the event every year at a different location.
Meeting Content
▪ Innate Immunity
▪ Adaptive Immunity
▪ Tumor Immunology
▪ Allergology
▪ Immunity to Infection
▪ Clinical Immunology
▪ Mucosal Immunology
▪ Vaccines
& New Approaches to Immunotherapy
Registration now OPEN!
In order to benefit from early registration, participants should register by July 1st 2013.
The Abstract Submission deadline is set to June 15th 2013.
Travel Bursaries
A number of travel bursaries will be awarded to young members (35 yrs.). In order to qualify for consideration, applicants must submit their abstracts in accordance with the abstract
submission deadline.
The travel bursary awarded will largely cover participation fee and accommodation expenses. Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (6)
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Opatija 2013 - 2nd Joint Meeting of M.E.S.I.A.
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2013.10.13. Helyszín: Croatia / Horvátország, Opatija, Hotel Ambasador A rendezvény Web oldala: 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology – Croatia 2013
In early 2012 the Croatian Immunological Society launched an initiative to organize a joint meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology as a follow-up on the very successful meeting organized by Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (OGAI) in Vienna in 2010 with participation of invited societies from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. The initiative was very well received by the invited societies which led to the first meeting of the societies’ representatives in Opatija, Croatia in July 2012. Soon after, the Scientific Board and the Organizing Committee were established and the official title of the meeting was adopted - 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology. The Meeting will be taking place from October 10th through 13th in Opatija, Croatia.
The underlying idea is to provide a communication platform for immunological and allergolocical societies in the region aimed at improving mobility and collaboration, particularly for the young members. The initiative is set to continue by adopting a regular schedule for this meeting to take place every third year, following the year of the ECI meeting, with societies taking turn in organizing the event every year at a different location.
Meeting Content
▪ Innate Immunity
▪ Adaptive Immunity
▪ Tumor Immunology
▪ Allergology
▪ Immunity to Infection
▪ Clinical Immunology
▪ Mucosal Immunology
▪ Vaccines
& New Approaches to Immunotherapy
Registration now OPEN!
In order to benefit from early registration, participants should register by July 1st 2013.
The Abstract Submission deadline is set to June 15th 2013.
Travel Bursaries
A number of travel bursaries will be awarded to young members (35 yrs.). In order to qualify for consideration, applicants must submit their abstracts in accordance with the abstract
submission deadline.
The travel bursary awarded will largely cover participation fee and accommodation expenses. Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (6)
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Opatija 2013 - 2nd Joint Meeting of M.E.S.I.A.
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2013.10.13. Helyszín: Croatia / Horvátország, Opatija, Hotel Ambasador A rendezvény Web oldala: 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology – Croatia 2013
In early 2012 the Croatian Immunological Society launched an initiative to organize a joint meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology as a follow-up on the very successful meeting organized by Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (OGAI) in Vienna in 2010 with participation of invited societies from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. The initiative was very well received by the invited societies which led to the first meeting of the societies’ representatives in Opatija, Croatia in July 2012. Soon after, the Scientific Board and the Organizing Committee were established and the official title of the meeting was adopted - 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology. The Meeting will be taking place from October 10th through 13th in Opatija, Croatia.
The underlying idea is to provide a communication platform for immunological and allergolocical societies in the region aimed at improving mobility and collaboration, particularly for the young members. The initiative is set to continue by adopting a regular schedule for this meeting to take place every third year, following the year of the ECI meeting, with societies taking turn in organizing the event every year at a different location.
Meeting Content
▪ Innate Immunity
▪ Adaptive Immunity
▪ Tumor Immunology
▪ Allergology
▪ Immunity to Infection
▪ Clinical Immunology
▪ Mucosal Immunology
▪ Vaccines
& New Approaches to Immunotherapy
Registration now OPEN!
In order to benefit from early registration, participants should register by July 1st 2013.
The Abstract Submission deadline is set to June 15th 2013.
Travel Bursaries
A number of travel bursaries will be awarded to young members (35 yrs.). In order to qualify for consideration, applicants must submit their abstracts in accordance with the abstract
submission deadline.
The travel bursary awarded will largely cover participation fee and accommodation expenses. Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (6)
Magyar Immunológiai Társaság Opatija 2013 - 2nd Joint Meeting of M.E.S.I.A.
Rendezvény kezdete: 2013.10.10.Rendezvény vége: 2013.10.13. Helyszín: Croatia / Horvátország, Opatija, Hotel Ambasador A rendezvény Web oldala: 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology – Croatia 2013
In early 2012 the Croatian Immunological Society launched an initiative to organize a joint meeting of Middle-European societies for immunology and allergology as a follow-up on the very successful meeting organized by Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (OGAI) in Vienna in 2010 with participation of invited societies from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Croatia. The initiative was very well received by the invited societies which led to the first meeting of the societies’ representatives in Opatija, Croatia in July 2012. Soon after, the Scientific Board and the Organizing Committee were established and the official title of the meeting was adopted - 2nd Joint Meeting of Middle-European Societies for Immunology and Allergology. The Meeting will be taking place from October 10th through 13th in Opatija, Croatia.
The underlying idea is to provide a communication platform for immunological and allergolocical societies in the region aimed at improving mobility and collaboration, particularly for the young members. The initiative is set to continue by adopting a regular schedule for this meeting to take place every third year, following the year of the ECI meeting, with societies taking turn in organizing the event every year at a different location.
Meeting Content
▪ Innate Immunity
▪ Adaptive Immunity
▪ Tumor Immunology
▪ Allergology
▪ Immunity to Infection
▪ Clinical Immunology
▪ Mucosal Immunology
▪ Vaccines
& New Approaches to Immunotherapy
Registration now OPEN!
In order to benefit from early registration, participants should register by July 1st 2013.
The Abstract Submission deadline is set to June 15th 2013.
Travel Bursaries
A number of travel bursaries will be awarded to young members (35 yrs.). In order to qualify for consideration, applicants must submit their abstracts in accordance with the abstract
submission deadline.
The travel bursary awarded will largely cover participation fee and accommodation expenses. Kapcsolódó dokumentumok (6)