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Magyar Diabetes Társaság
XXVIII. Dunántúli Diabetes Hétvége és Nővér Akadémia
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.02.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.04.
Helyszín: Club Tihany
Magyar Diabetes Társaság
XXVIII. Dunántúli Diabetes Hétvége és Nővér Akadémia
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.02.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.04.
Helyszín: Club Tihany
Magyar Diabetes Társaság
XXVIII. Dunántúli Diabetes Hétvége és Nővér Akadémia
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.02.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.04.
Helyszín: Club Tihany
Magyar Diabetes Társaság
XXVIII. Dunántúli Diabetes Hétvége és Nővér Akadémia
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.02.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.04.
Helyszín: Club Tihany
Magyar Diabetes Társaság
XXVIII. Dunántúli Diabetes Hétvége és Nővér Akadémia
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2025.10.02.Rendezvény vége: 2025.10.04.
Helyszín: Club Tihany

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Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
WCD 2027 - 26th World Congress of Dermatology (Guadalajara, Mexico, 2027.06.21-27.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2027.06.21.Rendezvény vége: 2027.06.26.
Helyszín: Mexico, Guadalajara,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.wcd2027guadalajara.org/
Guadalajara elected as Host City for the 2027 World Congress of Dermatology - ILDS
Dear Esteemed Colleagues and the Dermatological Community,

On behalf of the Mexican Academy of Dermatology, the Mexican Society of Dermatology, the Mexican Society of Dermatologic Surgery & Oncology, the Mexican Society of Dermatological Cosmetic and Laser, together with all the countries of Latin America, we are proud to announce that the 26th World Congress of Dermatology will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, from the 21st to the 26th of June, 2027.
Guadalajara is a city of diversity; a perfect blend of modernity and ancient traditions. It is one of the most dynamic cultural capitals, rich in history and alive with excitement and friendliness.
This metropolis, with its competitive infrastructure, boasts a leading dermatology university, and an influential and passionate medical community that can amplify the voice of Latin American dermatology research to the world. Expo Guadalajara, the largest convention center in Mexico and one the largest in Latin America, is the ideal venue to host a great Congress and it will comfortably accommodate the WCD participants, Sponsors, and Exhibitors.
The theme of the WCD 2027 is “Discover the Dermatology Ecosystem. For a Diverse and Inclusive Future”. Discovering the Dermatology Ecosystem concept highlights that dermatology is not a solitary discipline but rather an intricate network of interconnected disciplines. It fosters a holistic perspective on dermatology, encouraging exploration and active participation within this multifaceted landscape. For a Diverse and Inclusive Future emphasizes the future we strive for, where diversity is a value and inclusion is a need, just like in an ecosystem. The encompassing message also underscores the role of collaboration and innovation in propelling dermatology forward by encouraging development and discernment and ensuring that advancements reach every individual.
This is the promise of WCD 2027 throughout the 4 year journey to Guadalajara.
Be embraced by and experience Guadalajara’s magic through WCD 2027!

Jorge Ocampo CandianiPresident of WCD2027
Mariel IsaSecretary General of WCD2027

Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
WCD 2027 - 26th World Congress of Dermatology (Guadalajara, Mexico, 2027.06.21-27.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2027.06.21.Rendezvény vége: 2027.06.26.
Helyszín: Mexico, Guadalajara,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.wcd2027guadalajara.org/
Guadalajara elected as Host City for the 2027 World Congress of Dermatology - ILDS
Dear Esteemed Colleagues and the Dermatological Community,

On behalf of the Mexican Academy of Dermatology, the Mexican Society of Dermatology, the Mexican Society of Dermatologic Surgery & Oncology, the Mexican Society of Dermatological Cosmetic and Laser, together with all the countries of Latin America, we are proud to announce that the 26th World Congress of Dermatology will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, from the 21st to the 26th of June, 2027.
Guadalajara is a city of diversity; a perfect blend of modernity and ancient traditions. It is one of the most dynamic cultural capitals, rich in history and alive with excitement and friendliness.
This metropolis, with its competitive infrastructure, boasts a leading dermatology university, and an influential and passionate medical community that can amplify the voice of Latin American dermatology research to the world. Expo Guadalajara, the largest convention center in Mexico and one the largest in Latin America, is the ideal venue to host a great Congress and it will comfortably accommodate the WCD participants, Sponsors, and Exhibitors.
The theme of the WCD 2027 is “Discover the Dermatology Ecosystem. For a Diverse and Inclusive Future”. Discovering the Dermatology Ecosystem concept highlights that dermatology is not a solitary discipline but rather an intricate network of interconnected disciplines. It fosters a holistic perspective on dermatology, encouraging exploration and active participation within this multifaceted landscape. For a Diverse and Inclusive Future emphasizes the future we strive for, where diversity is a value and inclusion is a need, just like in an ecosystem. The encompassing message also underscores the role of collaboration and innovation in propelling dermatology forward by encouraging development and discernment and ensuring that advancements reach every individual.
This is the promise of WCD 2027 throughout the 4 year journey to Guadalajara.
Be embraced by and experience Guadalajara’s magic through WCD 2027!

Jorge Ocampo CandianiPresident of WCD2027
Mariel IsaSecretary General of WCD2027

Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
WCD 2027 - 26th World Congress of Dermatology (Guadalajara, Mexico, 2027.06.21-27.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2027.06.21.Rendezvény vége: 2027.06.26.
Helyszín: Mexico, Guadalajara,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.wcd2027guadalajara.org/
Guadalajara elected as Host City for the 2027 World Congress of Dermatology - ILDS
Dear Esteemed Colleagues and the Dermatological Community,

On behalf of the Mexican Academy of Dermatology, the Mexican Society of Dermatology, the Mexican Society of Dermatologic Surgery & Oncology, the Mexican Society of Dermatological Cosmetic and Laser, together with all the countries of Latin America, we are proud to announce that the 26th World Congress of Dermatology will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, from the 21st to the 26th of June, 2027.
Guadalajara is a city of diversity; a perfect blend of modernity and ancient traditions. It is one of the most dynamic cultural capitals, rich in history and alive with excitement and friendliness.
This metropolis, with its competitive infrastructure, boasts a leading dermatology university, and an influential and passionate medical community that can amplify the voice of Latin American dermatology research to the world. Expo Guadalajara, the largest convention center in Mexico and one the largest in Latin America, is the ideal venue to host a great Congress and it will comfortably accommodate the WCD participants, Sponsors, and Exhibitors.
The theme of the WCD 2027 is “Discover the Dermatology Ecosystem. For a Diverse and Inclusive Future”. Discovering the Dermatology Ecosystem concept highlights that dermatology is not a solitary discipline but rather an intricate network of interconnected disciplines. It fosters a holistic perspective on dermatology, encouraging exploration and active participation within this multifaceted landscape. For a Diverse and Inclusive Future emphasizes the future we strive for, where diversity is a value and inclusion is a need, just like in an ecosystem. The encompassing message also underscores the role of collaboration and innovation in propelling dermatology forward by encouraging development and discernment and ensuring that advancements reach every individual.
This is the promise of WCD 2027 throughout the 4 year journey to Guadalajara.
Be embraced by and experience Guadalajara’s magic through WCD 2027!

Jorge Ocampo CandianiPresident of WCD2027
Mariel IsaSecretary General of WCD2027

Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
JDP 2024 - Journées Dermatologiques de Paris (Paris, France, 2024.12.03-07.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.12.03.Rendezvény vége: 2024.12.07.
Helyszín: France, 232;s Paris, Palais des Congr&
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://www.lesjdp.fr/
Cher Ami, Chère Amie,
Depuis 2020 nous avons fait le pari réussi de l’hybride, ce dernier nous permettant de nous connecter les uns aux autres, d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances et de perfectionner nos acquis.
Les JDP - Journées Dermatologiques de Paris - organisées par la Société Française de Dermatologie proposent un accès in-situ au Palais des Congrès et un accès en ligne à toutes les sessions, qu’ils s’agissent des communications orales, des plénières, des séances de formation médicale continue : 10 sessions sont accessibles en direct lors du congrès avec la possibilité de poser des questions en ligne et plus de 150 sessions en replay pendant une période de 6 mois sont également accessibles sur la plateforme officiel des JDP, les problématiques de fuseaux horaires étant ainsi résolues.
Nous pensons que cet accès - bien entendu payant mais d’un coût que nous avons voulu raisonnable - pourrait intéresser toute la communauté dermatologique francophone dans le monde.
Lien pour télécharger l’affiche des JDP 2024
Lien pour télécharger la signature mail des JDP 2024
D’autre part nous préparons la cinquième édition du « JDP QUIZ » (le jeudi 05 décembre 2024 de 18h15 à 20h00 dans l’amphithéâtre Bordeaux), un tournoi de connaissances en dermatologie où s’affrontent des équipes de 4 internes, représentant des villes de France ou des pays francophones. Ce tournoi est ouvert à l’ensemble des pays francophones participant au congrès. Nous limiterons le nombre d’équipes à 18  et les inscriptions se feront par ordre de déclaration. (Le lancement des candidatures se fera le 20 mai prochain)
J’espère que nous aurons aussi l’occasion de nous revoir prochainement,
Bien amicalement,
Pr. Gaëlle Quéreux
Présidente de la SFD
Pénélope RAYMOND
Chargéed d’Organisation
Mobile : +33(0)6 84 07 06 26
jdp@sfdermato.com // www.lesjdp.fr
Société Française de Dermatologie
10 Cité Malesherbes - 75009 Paris
signature_2450248790  Une image contenant hache, graphiques vectorielsDescription g?r?automatiquement  

Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat
IWCM 2024 (ICAMP World Congress Milan) - (Italy, 2024.11.22-24.)
Az ikonra kattintva az eseményt letöltheti a kalendárium programjába. (Például: Microsoft Outlook) Rendezvény kezdete: 2024.11.22.Rendezvény vége: 2024.11.24.
Helyszín: Italy, Milan,
A rendezvény Web oldala: https://iwcm-congress.com/

On 2024, ICAMP school raised its 9th edition congress to an even more practical, international and innovative dimension: IWCM 2024 (ICAMP World Congress Milan), that will take place from November 22nd to 24th, in Milan (Italy).

The congress attracts delegates from over 35 countries and boasts a faculty comprising some of the world's most experienced experts in aesthetic medicine, dermatology, dentistry and many others different fields.

Registration: early bird till June 30th

IWCM 2024 Call for video-abstract submission >>

Korábbi kongresszusok, rendezvények megjelenítése >>

2024. június 3.
Klotild napja
Min / Max: 2 °C / 14 °C
Szélsebesség: 31 km/h

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